Monday, December 1, 2008


For the first time ever I have discovered pod casting on itunes. Did you know these are all FREE? How was this secret kept from me for so long? I've spent most of the evening until now searching for fun things to listen to at the gym and I've found just that, fun things but not something I'd want to listen to while sweating it on the treadmil. oh well..the search will continue tomorrow.
Today was another chilly day, however no more snow-and our cable was having problems so I'm already frustrated. I wish Eric and I could take a last minute trip over the holiday to celebrate just being together and loving life. I'm sure this wont happen for numerous reasons-but I can dream right?
The job search is coming along. I've sent out so many resumes I'm afraid it will be too depressing to add them all up. In this economy I understand its hard to find work, but thought I would have better luck with good experience and a couple degrees...apparently I've been proved wrong. Other than the job issue, life is good. I've gotten into baking and cooking a little more which Eric loves. I've painted 2 rooms and I'm hoping to do a 3rd this week-can you tell I've been bored? When I was working it seemed like there just was never enough hours in the day, now it seems like there is too many. Oh well...